Calculated Take-off Time Slot

Each time slot lasts 576.9 µs. The duration of a TDMA frame is 4.615 milliseconds (ms) (576.9 µs × 8). Based on your data rate, you can compute the number of bits that can be transmitted in. Solved: Hi, I basically have Start time and End time. I need to calculate how many hours belong to specific time slot 06-18, 18-22 and 22-06.

Calculated Take Off Time (CTOT)

Calculated Take-off Time Slot

From SKYbrary Wiki

Article Information
Content source:SKYbrary
Content control:EUROCONTROL


Calculated Take Off Time (CTOT) - The time provided by the Central Flow Management Unit (CFMU), taking into account the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) ATC flow situation, that an aircraft has been calculated to take off. The CTOT, also known as the ATFM ( Air Traffic Flow Management) slot, has a tolerance of – 5 to +10 minutes

Calculated Take-off Time Slot Machine

Further Reading


Calculated Take-off Time Slots

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