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Spigot 1.12 Plugin Compatibility List
Lists of plugins that are Compatible, Semi Compatible, No Longer Supported, and for those with No Compatibility for 1.12 Spigot/Bukkit Version.
Special thanks to ssamjh for creating the 1.9 & 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12 Spigot Plugin Compatibility pages.The compatibility list by version is here. Any additions? PM @smmmadden. This page (below) is NOT supported by me (smmmadden).
Place plugins in the appropriate categories. This will do better than color codes due to message limit as we came to that problem as of late. That error shouldn't happen again.
See under each section. Alphabetical order is appreciated.Contents
No Longer Supported(top)
Preferred Format: Plugin Name <Version Number> - <Possible replacement plugin>- GroupManager (v2.1.28 Phoenix) - Use GroupManagerX
- PermissionsEx (v1.23.4) - Will no longer receive updates as of PR #2933. Plugin still works for 1.12.x
- SpigotUpdater (v1.0.1) - Use SpigetUpdater API
- CrateKeys (v2.6.2) - Moved to InactiveResource - Use CrateReloaded
- Modifyworld (v1.19.7) - Hasn't been updated since 2013
No Compatibility/Broken(top)
Preferred Format: Plugin Name <Version Number> - <Errors/Notes/Dependencies>- Auctions (v2.5.0) - NoSuchMethodError
- ColoredTabList (v1.0) - Version Error
- GAListener (v1.3.2) - Version Error
- Graveyards (v2.3.0) - YML configuration error
- NameTagEdit (v4.0.2) - Version Error, Use the Dev Builds for compatibility
- NoSaturation (v1.0) (needs link)
- ObsidianAuctions (v4.1.0) - Version Error
- Open Terrain Generator(v6 for 1.11.2) - NoClassDefFoundError
- Tablist (v1.3.2.9) - Multiple errors; only currently works for 1.12 pre-5, not the full release.
- WhatIsIt (v1.3.9) - NoSuchMethodError
Semi-Compatible/Sorta Works(top)
Preferred Format: Plugin Name <Version Number> - <Errors/Notes>- TownBanners (v0.2)
Preferred Format: Plugin Name (with link to plugin) <Version Number> <Dependencies/Other Details>- AAC (v3.2.2-b1)
- ActionAnnouncer (v1.12.0)
- Actionbar (v1.3.2.6)
- ActionBar (v6.11.0) - Different to the Actionbar plugin above
- ActionBarHealth (v3.2.0)
- AdminSystem (v2.5)
- AdvancedChatTorch (v1.1.2)
- AdvancedMobArena (v2.6.0)
- AdvancedPortals (v0.0.41)
- AdvancedRegionMarket (v2.1.2)
- afkTerminator (v3.0.8)
- AIchemicalArrows (v2.3.5)
- AirBar (v2.9.0)
- AnimatedBoard (v3.4)
- AnimatedBoardTrial (v3.1.1)
- AnimatedNames (v5.18.0)
- AntiAura (v11.0)
- AntiBot-Ultra (v1.0.2)
- AntiLaby (v1.9)
- AntiWorldDownloader (v2.3.1)
- AreaShop (v2.4.0)
- ArmourStandEditor (v1.11.2-19)
- ArmorStandTools (v2.4.3)
- ASkyBlock (v3.0.6.11)
- ArtMap (v2.6.10)
- AuctionHouse (v3.3.4.1)
- AuthMe (v5.3.2)
- AutoHub (v1.0.7)
- Autorank (v4.0.7)
- AutoTorch (v1.4.0)
- BanManager (Dev Build #15)
- BannerBoard (v1.9.8.1)
- BannerMaker (v1.7.2)
- BBDeathChests (v1.2.0)
- BetterBeds (Dev Build #9)
- BetterChairs (v0.9.4)
- Blasters (v1.2.1)
- BlockParticles (v1.9.7.2)
- BookNotification (v0.1.2)
- BoosterBoots (v1.12.1)
- BossShop (v2.7.4)
- BossShopPro (v1.7.6)
- BottledExp (v2.2.3.2)
- Broadcast (v.1.0) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BuildMoney (v1.2)
- BungeeCommandsDispatcher (v2.4.12) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BungeeCordManager (v1.2.5) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BungeeEssentials (v0.0.6) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BungeeReport (v1.2) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BungeeResourcePacks (v1.6.14) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BungeeShellManager (v2.0) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BungeeTabListPlus (v2.8.1) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BungeeTitleJoin (v1.0) - Depends: BungeeCord
- BungeeWhiteList (v1.0) - Depends: BungeeCord
- CalendarEvents (v1.2.1)
- CaptureTheFlag (v2.1.2)
- Cargo (v1.1.1)
- Casino (v1.1)
- ChatControl (v5.5.4)
- ChatControlPro (v7.4.18)
- ChatItem (v1.3.5.6)
- ChestCommands (v3.1.4)
- ChestShop (v3.8.13-SNAPSHOT Build #27)
- Christmas+ (v2.2.12-SNAPSHOT)
- Citizens (v2.0.22-SNAPSHOT)
- ClearLagg (v2.9.7)
- ClickableRedditLinks (v2017-08-20)
- ClientPermissions (v1.1.0)
- ClientStatsBungee (v2.8.4)
- CloudChat / CloudNet Addon (v1.4)
- CloudNet (v1.0.40)
- Code (v1.0)
- CommandSyncClient (v2.3) - Depends: BungeeCord, CommandSyncServer
- Companies (v1.1.3)
- ConditionPerms (v1.16.0)
- Content Management Interface (v6.0.11.2)
- CoreProtect (v2.14.2)
- CoreProtect-Anti-Xray (v1.3)
- CorpseReborn (v2.10.4)
- CPCameraStudioReborn (v1.4.2)
- CraftBook (v3.9u16)
- CrateReloaded (v1.3.97)
- CreeperHeal (v7.0.5)
- CustomJukebox (v1.0.7)
- DeathMessagesPrime (v1.12.12)
- DeluxeChat (v1.12.3)
- DeluxeCombat (1.13.7)
- DeluxeJoin (v2.5.0)
- DeluxeMenus (v1.9.2)
- Denizen (v1.0.2)
- DiceFurniture (v3.2.1.1) - Depends: ProtocolLib, Vault, FurnitureLibrary
- DiscordRankSync (v1.5.7)
- DiscordSRV (v14.6)
- Disease (v2.7.2)
- DMPInventoryPlayerInfo (v1.4)
- DragonEggDropRevival (v1.4.0-BETA2)
- Dragon Slayer (v0.10.0)
- Dragon Timer (v1.5.0)
- dtlTraders (v3.5.4)
- DynamicSigns (v3.28.0)
- Dynmap (v2.6-SNAPSHOT)
- EditableSign (v3.2.0)
- EffectCmds (v1.5.1)
- EModule/eSpawn/MultiSpawnTool (v0.0.2-b2)
- EnchantTable+ (v3.0)
- EpicGlass (v1.30)
- EpicWorldGenerator (v8.0.0-SNAPSHOT, BETA-1)
- EscapeTheDragon (v2.0)
- EssCore (v0.7.1.1)
- EssentialsX Extras (v1.6.7)
- EssentialsKitGui (v1.4)
- EssentialsMySQLStorageExtension (v1.9.0)
- EssentialsWarpGui (v1.6.1)
- EssentialsX (v2.0.1b-Build #523)
- ExecuteEverywhere (v1.2.4)
- ExtraCommands (v1.0.6)
- EzMemes (v2.10.0)
- FactionsEssentials (v.1.6.7)
- FastAsyncWorldEdit (Development Build) - Depends: WorldEdit
- FastConnect (v3.0) - Depends: BungeeCord
- FeatherBoard (v3.23.0)
- FileManager (v1.2) - Depends: BungeeCord
- FirstJoinPlus (v2.4.1)
- ForceResourcePacks (v1.7.9)
- Friends3.0 (v3.0.2.5) - Supports BungeeCord
- Friends3.0AddOn (v2.0.0.6) - Supports BungeeCord
- FullCloak (v3.1.2)
- FurnitureLibrary/ProtectionLib (v1.9.2.8) - Depends: ProtocolLib, Vault
- FurnitureMaker (v1.8.3) - Depends: ProtocolLib, Vault, FurnitureLibrary
- GadgetsMenu (v3.7.10)
- Genie (v1.2.0)
- GPrism (v2.0.12) - VanDerProtofsky's fork
- Grappling Hook (v1.5.8.1)
- GriefPrevention (v16.7.1)
- GroupManagerRevived (v2.1.3-snapshot)
- GroupManagerX (v1.0)
- GUIShop (v6.1.8)
- Hades (v1.0.1) - Depends: BungeeCord Server
- HeadDatabase (v3.3.0)
- HeadRankup (v1.9.8)
- Heads (v1.9.8)
- Health (v2.5.1)
- HelpGUI (v1.6)
- HeroChat (v6.0.0) - Range based chat is non-functional
- HeroesMinecraftRPG (v1.8.12 b742)
- HideAndSeek (v2.7)
- HolographicExtention (v1.8)
- HolographicDisplays (v2.2.6)
- HorseTpWithMe (v2.0.6)
- HPFood (v1.0)
- HubThat (v7.0)
- HungerKeeperPlus (v1.4.1)
- iPortal (v1.3) - Check version history
- JobsReborn (v4.0.0)
- JukeboxRegion (v1.0)
- KarmaKeeper (v1.2)
- KeepItOpen (v5.1.0)
- LagMonitor (v1.15)
- LeaderHeads (v3.0.1)
- LiteBans (v2.2.4)
- LightAPI (Forked) - Orig is on github, but wasn't compiled and released on spigot. Spigot account has been inactive since 12/2016, but Github was last updated in August. Orig Source:
- LibsDisguises (v9.4.0)
- LobbyFlyPlus (v1.0)
- LobbyOptions (v1.6)
- Lottery (v1.0.8)
- LuckPerms (v3.2.20)
- LWC (v4.6.0)
- LWC (Modern) (v1.9.4) - Keeping separate from LWC above
- Magic (v6.9.14)
- MarriageMaster (v1.31.2)
- MarriageReloaded (v2.0.17)
- MassiveCore (v2.13.1) - following depend on this:
- MassiveBooks (v2.13.1)
- MassiveCombat (v2.13.1)
- CreativeGates (v2.13.1)
- MassiveFactions (v2.13.1)
- MassiveHat (v2.13.1)
- MassiveLag (v2.13.1)
- MassiveLock (v2.13.1)
- MassiveTickets (v2.13.1)
- MassiveVampire (v2.13.1)
- mcMMO (v1.5.08)
- mcMMOAction (v1.3.1)
- mcMMOExtras (v5.3.2) - Depends: mcMMO, barAPI
- MessageAnnouncer (v1.8.0)
- MineBay (v1.2.3)
- MiniaturePets (v1.5)
- MobArena (v0.98.1)
- MobCapture (v1.1.6)
- MobFarmManager (v1.3.0.0)
- MobHunting (v5.0.3)
- MobSpawnerEgg (v5.2.0)
- Multiverse
- Multiverse-Core (v2.5.0)
- Multiverse-Inventories (v2.5.0-b439)
- Multiverse-NetherPortals (v2.5.0-b726)
- Multiverse-Portals (v2.5.0)
- Multiverse-SignPortals (v2.5.0-SNAPSHOT-b713)
- MyPet-Premium (vD1)
- MythicDrops (v4.1.2)
- NameMyItem (v5.4.0)
- NickMaster (v1.1)
- NoCheatPlus (Build #1113)
- noDamage (v1.1.1)
- NoPlugins (v5.0)
- NuVotifier / Votifier (v2.3.5)
- OldCombatMechanics (v1.5.1)
- OpenAudioMc (v2.6)
- OpenInv (v3.3.1-SNAPSHOT)
- OnlyProxy (v2.3)
- Orebfuscator (v4.3.0)
- ParticleHats (v3.4.0)
- Party (v1.0.6) - Depends: BungeeCord
- PermissionsExTabColors (No Versioning)
- PerWorldInventory (v1.10.0)
- PingNachricht (v2.5) - Depends: ProtocolLib
- PlaceholderAPI (v2.8.2)
- Plan (v3.6.1)
- PlayerRedirect (v1.0)
- PlayMoreSounds (v2.1)
- PlotSquared (v3.5.1 Dev Build #491)
- PlugMan (v2.1.3 Dev Build #11)
- PointRunner (v1.9.2)
- PortableHorses-Reloaded (v3.2)
- pPickup (v1.0)
- PreciousStones (v10.5.3)
- PremiumVanish (v1.9.6)
- ProBleed-HCBloodLossSim (v1.3.6)
- ProVotes (v1.3.5.1)
- ProtocolLib (v4.3.0 Build #385)
- ProtocolSupport (v4.26)
- PunishmentGUI (v1.0)
- PvPLevels (v59.0)
- PvPManager (v3.7.5)
- Quests (v3.0.0-Naomi)
- QuickShop (v0.9.35)
- RankTime (v2.0)
- RankVouchers (v2.1.2)
- React (v5.0.0)
- RealisticSwimming (v1.19.2)
- RecipeFinder (v2.2)
- RedirectAFriend (v1.4)
- Residence (v4.0.7.5) - Depends: Dynmap v2.5
- RPGHorses (v1.5.1)
- RPGInventoryPremium (v2.0.9)
- SaneEconomy (v0.12.7)
- ScoreboardR2 (v1.4.2)
- ScoreboardScreenReloaded (v2.0.0)
- SelectionVisualizer (v1.9.6.1)
- Sentinel (v1.3.1)
- ServerInfo2 (v2.2.0)
- ServerListManager (v1.0.4)
- ServerMOTD (v1.4)
- Shop (v1.7.3.1)
- ShopChest (v1.12.3 - Development Build)
- Shopkeepers (v1.82)
- SignInColors (V3.0)
- SignShop (v2.11.2)
- SilkSpawners (v6.3.1+)
- SimpleClans (v2.7.0)
- SimplePets (v3.6.5)
- Sit (v1.0)
- SkinsRestorer (v13.1.2)
- Skript (Bensku's Fork: v2.2 dev29) - SQLite / MySQL DB Issues still
- SlashServer (v3.0) - Depends: BungeeCord Server
- SmokingPipes (v1.3)
- SnakeParkour (v4.5)
- Snoopy (v1.0)
- Socket4MC (v2.1.3Beta) - Depends: BungeeCord
- Sorter (v1.3.4.2)
- Spartan (Build #154)
- SpigetUpdater (v1.3.0)
- SpigotLib (v6.6.2)
- sTablist (v2.9.5)
- StackMob (v1.8.3)
- Staff+ (Qball's Fork: v3.2.3.1) - Original plugin disables due to unsupported version (Note: Original author has been deceased since Feb 8, 2017. Read here.)
- StaffChat (v2.3)
- StaffList (v7.0)
- StarGate (v7.2)
- StarGateBungee (v1.1.3)
- Statz (v1.4.3)
- SuperPainter (v1.1.3)
- SuperTrails (v9.6.7)
- SuperVanish (v5.9.8)
- Tab (v5.16.0)
- TerrainControl (v2.8.2 Build #178)
- Thirst (v2.7.2)
- TimeVote (v1.2)
- TimoCloud (v4.5)
- TitleAdvanced (v5.16.0)
- TitleManager (v2.0.7)
- TitleMotd (v1.5.0)
- TokenEnchant (v11.11.25)
- TownyAdvanced (v0.96.2.0 for MC 1.12)
- TradeMe (v5.0.1.2)
- UltimateVotes (v1.6.7)
- Vault (v1.5.6)
- Vehicles (No Versioning)
- VeinMiner (v1.11.3)
- ViaBackwards (v2.2.0)
- ViaVersion (v1.2.0)
- VillageMarker (v0.46)
- VKBackPack (v7.3.0)
- Votifier / NuVotifier (v.2.3.5)
- VotingPlugin (v5.9.3)
- VoxelSniper (Development Build)
- WeatherVote (v1.2)
- WiiPayReloaded (v1.5.2)
- WildernessTp (v3.10.0)
- WirelessRedstone (v3.0.5)
- WolfCommand (v2.10.0)
- WorldBorder (v1.8.7)
- WorldBorderAura (v1.0)
- WorldBorderMaster (v4.0)
- WorldDownloaderAPI/WDLCompanion (v1.1.3)
- WorldEditSelectionVisualizer (v1.4.7)
- WorldEdit-Bukkit (v6.1.8-SNAPSHOT Build #3696)
- WorldGuardExtraFlags (v2.14.1)
- WorldGuard-Legacy (v6.2.2-SNAPSHOT Build #1708)
- YouTubeBridge (v1.5.3_2)
- Loading...View
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